An introduction to monitoring and evaluation 25 participatory. This participatory discussion creates an environment where farmers those with lower adoption rates may be encouraged by their peers to try out the improved practices in the next crop season, and groups together with their field officers can make plans to address challenges the farmers are facing. Participatory monitoring in tropical forest management. Any project is bound to succeed if monitoring and evaluation are carried out with precision. Participatory monitoring and evaluation of community and. Implementation of a participatory approach to monitoring and. Marina apgar marina uses evaluation research to fuel collaborative learning about social change, with an emphasis on participatory approaches she accompanies development and humanitarian organisations as they build, test and improve complexity aware monitoring and evaluation systems. It is they who decide whether a programme makes progress, delivers and is relevant. Now let us summarize the difference in the following manner. Participatory monitoring and evaluation for learning. The participatory performance tracker ppt is a participatory selfassessment tool that allows farmers belonging to a. Participatory monitoring and evaluation in practice.
Participatory monitoring pm is a process of people working together to learn, solve problems, and refi ne programs by gathering and using information. Tracking sheet has two parts, monitoring different practices at different times of the. Participatory monitoring and evaluation pme offers development organizations a host of opportunities for improving the performance of poverty alleviation. Pmer planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting pns participating national society rbm resultsbased management rte realtime evaluation. The idea is to make the session fun and interactive. Sc scholar in project management, jomo kenyatta university of agriculture and technology. We hope that the content, format, and examples will be useful to organizations as they strive to improve the effectiveness of their community hiv and aids projects. Some project management experts prefer to view monitoring as an activity that takes place throughout the project period. Kit royal tropical institute, amsterdam, the netherlands. The section on creative participatory activities provides lots of good examples of tools you can use and adapt for focus group discussions with young people. A participatory impact assessment approach was used to evaluate the northern region rural integrated programme norrip in. Participatory evaluation, as we shall see, isnt simply a matter of asking stakeholders to take part. Participatory monitoring and evaluation institute of. Participatory evaluation can help improve program performance by 1 involving key stakeholders in evaluation design and decision making, 2 acknowledging and addressing asymmetrical levels of power and voice among stakeholders, 3 using multiple and varied methods, 4 having an action component so that evaluation findings are useful to the programs end.
This involvement can occur at any stage of the evaluation process, from the evaluation design to the data collection and analysis and the reporting of the study. Monitoring and evaluation according to evaluator a selfevaluation participatory a independent evaluation. Participatory monitoring and evaluation sswm find tools for. Participatory monitoring and evaluation acknowledgements participatory monitoring and evaluation, by its very nature, calls for the involvement of many people. Participatory methods toolkit a practitioners manual. Training module on participatory community monitoring and evaluation. As project planners, we might gather with potential project participants to do a card or other sorting exercise, or create a seasonal calendar, for example. However, smart indicators and quantitative approaches also have a role, depending on the indicators and their purposes as designed through participatory processes. Jun 04, 2011 there are necessarily various strategies and plans involved in the process of monitoring. Use of participatory tools for monitoring and evaluation the use of participatory tools in project planning is widespread and common. Overview of the literature with annotated bibliography katherine pasteur and jutta blauert institute of development studies ids, university of sussex brighton bn1 9re, sussex, england. Difference between evaluation and monitoring compare the.
Participatory community monitoring for water, sanitation. Page 2 of 32 participatory monitoring and evaluation appendix 1 sample guides observation checklist purpose anecdotal record is a simple way of recording a short narrative of what you observe a simple observation checklist includes a list of specific behaviours or items to be observed. Chapter 5 selecting indicators for participatory monitoring and evaluation. Participatory monitoring, evaluation, reflection and. The core initiative is pleased to release the second edition of this participatory monitoring and evaluation manual. The content of this platform and its various portals is currently being migrated to a new platform. Since then monitoring and evaluation has taken on a centre stage in. Participatory community monitoring and evaluation are extremely important for learning about the achievementdeviation from original concerns and problems faced by local development projectsprogrammes being implemented, so that corrective measures can be taken in time. General guidelines and tips for participatory methods 17 comparative chartfor participatory methods 25 charrette 27 citizens jury 37 consensus conference 57 delphi 75 expertpanel 87 focus group 97 participatory assessment,monitoring and evaluation 107 planning cell 117 scenarios 129 the world cafe 141 brief descriptions of methods and. Z evaluation looks at the impact of the project and the appropriateness of the action. Monitoring evaluation timing monitoring is a continuing evaluation assesses the function that takes place entire project cycle. The second section is a synthesis of the lessons learned, organized along two broad themes.
Why participatory community monitoring and evaluation. Social and political issues arise when stakeholders come. Monitoring aims at providing managers and major stakeholders with regular feedback and early indications of progress or lack thereof in the. In addition to these fiches,you will find a brief overview of almost40 other. Monitoring and evaluation of participatory theatre for change.
E as a strategy to conduct the self assessment of a health program implemented by the center for asian mission for the poor in towerville phase 6 relocation site. External according to timing a interimmidterm a terminal a expost impact evaluation what is evaluation. Participatory methods toolkit a practitioners manual participatory methods toolkit a practitioners manual. Projectprogramme monitoring and evaluation guide what is this guide.
Guidelines for programme design, monitoring and evaluation. Participatory monitoring, evaluation, reflection and learning. It expands the notion of accountability to answer not only whether organizations are fulfilling the terms of the funding they receive, but also whether they are fulfilling the needs and. Training module on participatory community monitoring. The main purpose of participatory monitoring is that it provides information during the life of the project, so that adjustments andor modifications can be made if necessary. Participatory monitoring also known as collaborative monitoring, communitybased monitoring, locally based monitoring, or volunteer monitoring is the regular collection of measurements or other kinds of data, usually of natural resources and biodiversity, undertaken by local residents of the monitored area, who rely on local natural resources and thus have more local knowledge of those.
It assessed the impact of local capacity building on access to improved water supply and sanitation services by using an evaluation framework known as the village development capacity index vdci. However, other evaluations may lead to more radical decisions. Continue or stop summative evaluation participatory monitoring evaluation an ongoing and regular process which actively involves stakeholders in all the stages of collecting, analyzing and using information on an intervention with a view to assessing the processes and results. Introduction to participatory monitoring and evaluation. Participatory monitoring and evaluation for learning usaid.
Participatory monitoring and evaluation system assessment tool. This minicourse covers the basics of program monitoring and evaluation in the context of population, health, and nutrition programs. Participatory community monitoring and evaluation are extremely important for learning about the achievementdeviation from original concerns and problems faced by local development projectsprogrammes being implemented, so that corrective measures can be taken in. Project planning, monitoring and evaluation module overview 3 the commonwealth youth programmes mission cyp works to engage and empower young people aged 1529 to enhance their contribution to development.
Participatory evaluation is an approach that involves the stakeholders of a programme or policy in the evaluation process. Training module on participatory community monitoring and. Stakeholder participation in monitoring and evaluation. If you have any difficulties in finding a piece of content, please contact. Participatory monitoring and evaluation systems dcafissat. It is meant to be a desktop reference that supplements the more concise and fieldfriendly ifrc pmer pocket guide. Participatory monitoring and evaluation slideshare. Participatory monitoring and evaluation in practice intrac 2008 6 change.
Participatory monitoring and evaluation sswm find tools. Take the example of a bus trip from one community to the other. Participatory monitoring and evaluation approaches that influence. What is participatory monitoring and evaluation pme. It is attracting interest from many quarters since it offers new ways of assessing and learning from change that are more inclusive, and more in tune with the views and aspirations of those most directly affected.
Participatory evaluation involves all the stakeholders in a project those directly affected by it or by carrying it out in contributing to the understanding of it, and in applying that understanding to the improvement of the work. Participatory monitoring and evaluation readings and resources. Assessment of the use of participatory monitoring and. The hunger project works in 12 countries in africa, south asia, and latin america to end hunger and poverty by pioneering sustainable, grassroots, womencentered strategies and advocating for their widespread adoption in countries throughout the world. Participatory monitoring and evaluation system assessment. Annex v example of project specific management monitoring setup annex vi example of work plan format annex vii reporting, monitoring and evaluation issues annex viii example of an expenditure followup table and related graphics. I would like to thank in particular the many villagers in the project villages who took part in the exercises described in these pages, and contributed their views and ideas. Participatory evaluation can help improve program performance by 1 involving key stakeholders in evaluation design and decision making, 2 acknowledging and addressing asymmetrical levels of power and voice among stakeholders, 3 using multiple and varied methods, 4 having an action component so that evaluation findings are useful to the programs end users.
Participatory approaches can be used in each stage of programme and project cycles. Pdf participatory monitoring and evaluation approaches that. On the basis of this assessment, the gtz commissioned already in 1994 a study on experiences gained in participatory planning with pastoralists. Participatory monitoring and evaluation system assessment tool 20. Monitoring and evaluation of projects initiated by the community should be participatory. Participatory assessment, monitoring and evaluation 107. A guide to participatory monitoring of behavior change. Communities to make their own decisions about water, hygiene, and sanitation strategies communities to feel a sense of project ownership development organizations to better understand local community wishes and priorities. It documents the field experiences of seven of the partners under the sdcic ngo programme karnatakatamil nadu in participatory monitoring andor evaluation. A number of factors have combined to inhibit the quick development of a.
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